Unmasking the social media facade.

2 min readFeb 18, 2021

You need to understand that people are not as happy as they seem in a snap.

Their smile may not be as wide as it seems, it’s like we’ve forgotten to laugh till our tummy hurts, we just smirk and smile at sarcastic memes.
You need to know that nobody cries online, their bad days, and failures and breakups never make it to their Instagram shrines. The baggage some carry is too hard to imagine, their tears may not fit into a tiny emoji anymore.

They may not be holding hands with the same people today, memories fade and so do people, away.
The 12-month struggles, the goals, the passion can’t be captured in a 24-hour story.

We “like” people’s filter-tinted pictures, but hate their real-life personalities. We comment on posts like we’ve known them for years, but never there for them when they’re right in front and feeling blue.
If only we could screenshot moments, friends, and memories and save them forever if only they’d fill up your heart like they fill your gallery.

Because once you dive in, it’s a place where you’re obliged to be all happy, and “like” people’s lives even if it’s killing you on the inside and drowning you deep. But you’ve gotta swim, because that’s where everyone is, on top of the brim.

Here’s our world, a world where faking it, is being real. And emotions? That’s not a big deal! You’re not really in, if you don’t have a perfect body to dress up all bling, if you don’t smoke, don’t drink and parties aren’t your thing. Well if that’s what’s cool, I’d rather be lame, don’t count me in!

